During the summer before my first semester in college, I decided it is time to build a desk that will suite my needs for the next few years. I saw a design online which I liked but I wanted to make some modifications and spend sometime with my dad. So, I drew up some plans in Illustrator and we built it from scratch. For this desk we used three 5' by 5' Baltic Birch Plywood and stained it with an English Chestnut color. What makes the desk a studio type one is the keyboard below the desk which is connected to the computer, and the rack spaces on top of it to store audio equipment like compressors, pre-amps, or audio interfaces. The following images are samples of the plans I created for the desk. The design was originally created by Output.

Below is a short video of the building process of the desk. This video was made on the fly and with a time constraint because of the beginning of school.
I am very satisfied with the outcome and I learned much about finishing a piece of furniture and carpentry.

Here is the final product with all of my gear installed.